Saturday, July 23, 2011

[ℜamadan] Why is it so difficult to obtain a pure heart?

Because it is impossible. In fact, trying to climb the ladder to heaven is one manifestation of what is wrong with us. That is why God sent His Son, Jesus, to come into the world and die for our sins, making peace with God, and rise from the grave to be the first of a new creation.

How to hajj a islamic student in indonesia?

first of all i would like to say assalamu'alaykum to every one my name is zainal from philippines i'm a islamic student in indonesia alhamdulillah i already finish my course of memorizing qur_an so now i just want to continue my islamic law study so aside from that i have intention to visit the house of Allah in the mosque of nabi sws so please guide me how to go there maybe is there free for like my sitwation please i hope that u can answer my question

Spanish Grammar Questions?

"Saber" is when you know something, like a fact. "Conocer" is when you know someone, like a person.

Ear stretching and healing funny why?

Okay, I just stretched from 0 and skipped 00 and went to 7/16th's Now my ear is healing funny, Like the bottom of my earlobe is all red and hard and hot and it is bending out out pointing up at an angle. Wil it all ways be like this and will it heal back too normal and how do I make it heal back to normal keeping the current jewelery (Taper) In.?

Getting my earlobes re-pierced?

Okay here's the story, I had my left earlobe pierced a while back, and like last year. So I had it pierced twice, and I had my right ear pierced only once. Both holes has closed up but now I want to get them pierced again but the only thing that is stopping me is these small little bumps/ball thingies in my lobe. I just don't want them to like keyloid and get all ugly basically. I just want to know do you think that it would be safe to get them repierced ?

I don't understand............?

It is meant that in Islamic countries, non Muslims should pay an amount of money (Jizya) to insure that they won't be spies or attack the Muslims when at war. If the pay the Jizya, then they will be not welcomed. If they sneak in, they will be killed. That's fair.

What is the dumbest reason you have ever heard of why a person believes in god/allah/zeus?

i don't think there are any dumb reasons to believe in God. as His creation, we all know He exists, it's just that some deny it.

Ramadan if Allah loves us 70 times more than our mother...?

Allah will never forgive peaple whom ascribe partners unto him for them there's no forgiveness their abode will be jahannam. As for believers that do not obey the commandments of allah and transgress the laws of allah and dislike to immitate even the dress code of our beloved prophet(s.a.w) they will also be punished till allah forgives them.

I need help translating french to english ;)?

soo i asked my girlsfriend sister what doesmy girl say bout me and she told me....but in french -_-''! soo help translate? ;D ehhh? lmaoo kk wel heres what she said '' Elle me di que tu est un garco tres sympa est beau, et que tu es tres amusant aussi :) et que ell te l'aime beaucoup lol'' sooo yeah? ;D the e in tres has like a small line above it and in the word garco under the c theres like a j looking thingy idkk if thats suppose to be there but ya ;) helpp?

How do I get sponsored for skateboarding?

you have to just get all your tricks clean and off stuff do stairsets, gaps, ledges but do not do ollies of them you will not get sponsered with flatground if you can do ramp put that in aswell and by the way what team (cheack this guy on youtube aiden he is good enuff)

How to learn a second language?

Japanese uses the absurdly complicated Chinese system of writing, which isn't phoenetic and has to be learned by heart, tho to be fair they also have hirogana and katakana which are phonetic, and often times you'll see katakana on top of the Chinese characters. Japanese pronunciation is very simple, but the grammatical structure is quite radical for us westerners. Don't learn Spanish it sounds retarded. Learn German. It has an absurd learning curve but if you can take it, like I did, you could be proud to be a part of a elite group of Americans who have mastered German. It also sounds badass and you'll find some familiarity with it as it's a germanic langauge as is English.

Muslims in NYC, what did your Allah say about Homosexuals?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Various SINGNs pointing towards God---Isn't it sin to insult one or others and create hatred over them?

It's great that you're tolerant towards people of other religions. See, there's the problem- there aren't enough people willing to respect the beliefs and thoughts of their peers. This is one of the many reasons as to why our social structure is crumbling. Creating hatred over anything is stupidity and ignorance.

My ex is driving me NUTS, HELP, YAHOO ANSWERERS!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!?

You are under no obligation to reply. He obviously feels guilty but personally I am not a forgiving type and an email does not mean, Come home all is forgiven, or anything like that. Presumably he wants to clear the decks before going abroad. Ignore it.

What does it mean if i have a really sore ear lobe?

recently my earlobe has become really sore. i dont have a peircing and it feels like there is a giant lump in my ear! help please!

Why do sooo many muslims put on fake fisads?

I am friends with soooo many muslims. And have family that are muslim. I am Christian, born Christian. Aside from that. So many muslims say they follow the quran and their allah, but they DON'T! They lead fake lives. Listen to music like Lady gaga, p. diddy, and many other foul mouth singers. They dress inappropriate, watch shows related to sex, like Sex in the City etc. Why are there so many fake muslims? As a Christian, I don't watch those crappy sexed up shows, or wear any thing revealing or even listen to those gross singers. So, what's with the fake muslims? And I mean there are a lot of them that are like this.

Shia,if u believe in these ayat 72:20,6:17,,16:17,17:56 then y u call imamo Ali instead of Allah to help u?

People who ask Jesus p.b.u.h to help them instead of Allah are mushrikoon although Jesus is better than imam Ali,so why shia are not considered mushrikoon/polytheists too?

How does two same sex people harm the institution of marriage or family?

They have no good reasons. They're just brainwashed, or trying to brainwash. Slowly people are becoming like you and I, that is, they're starting to use that glob of junk between their ears and see through the veil of bullshit. It's happening very slowly though... people are cemented in ignorance.

Is this true about the Prophet (SAW)?

Did you know that in the bible lucifer (Satan) was called the Morning Star (light) ? That he was a high priest in heaven that went against God. Look in the bible at the stories of Abraham and Isaac the enemy is always after the wells and your prophet will come out of a well. The bible says that the Antichrist (Satan) will rule for seven years and that is the time your prophet will rule for. The bible also says that the Antichrist will destroy a third of Jerusalem. And your prophet will kill 80,000 in Israel It seems your prophet is the fallen angel that is called the deceiver. Oh, that's right thats one of the hundred names of your god isn't it.

Getting my ears priced- gun?

i used to pierce ears and i never had any problems with a gun stings of course but is quickest and most pain free you need to keep the stud in until they heal and keep it clean also turn them so they are easier to remove once they heal the alternatives are numb the ear with ice cube and shoving a needle through not as quick or accurate.

Alguien sabe de la dieta del limon ?

Bueno pues mi mama me dijo que era asi :: esta es de 20 dias el primer dia te tomas el jugo de un limon en ayunas y el segundo dia te tomas dos y el tercero tres y asii asta llegar a diez limones y te vas para abajo querirndo dcir que el dia siguiente te tomas 9 y luego 8 y asii asta que termines ?? Estaba leyendo unas pero son muy differentes ...alguien sabe sii esta dieta que digo trabaja y si es que sii como cuanto peso pierdes? Porfaa contesten y perdon por la grammar:))

So states can make laws to allow gay marriage but none to enforce federal immigration laws?

I don't get it. Dems have already made it illegal to treat illegals as illegals and now are forcing acceptance of homosexuality on the public when the gay community in America is what? Less than 5%? What's next Dems and gays changing all the text books in schools to add the human anus as the new sex organ? Or maybe force Sharia law on America cause God well I guess Allah forbid another minority group gets offended by the will of the majority here in America.

Would u like see these as the new nexus?

Hahaha yes!we have we have 6 terroist in this group,,u should replace bruce lee with some other terroist,to have 8

How much does a tragus piercing hurt?

I'm thinking about getting my tragus pierced and I'm wondering how bad it hurts. I'm pretty good with piercings. I have my earlobe double pierced, I have the cartilage at the top of my ear pierced, and I have my nose pierced. Would a tragus piercing hurt more than any of the other ones I already have?

Are 16 Gauge size earrings okay for normal piercings?

A gauge is the size of the needle or jewelry. Ear lobes are done with a 20 gauge needle. Body piercings (facial, belly button, cartilage, etc) are done with either 16 or 14 gauge hollow needles by a professional. I wouldnt recommend using a 16 gauge needle for an ear piercing, nor would I recommend you doing it, have her go to a professional (professionals dont include Claire's or Piercing Pagoda etc) But if you do plan on doing this anyways, it should be fine as long as its a hollow needle and you have 16 gauge jewelry to insert after the piercing.

Why Allah thinks a SL AVE Muslim woman who believes is bet ter than an un believing woman Quran 2:221?

Because in his vision everyone (doesn't matter if she/he is slave or free and woman or man) who is faithful is better.

What does this french sentence mean?

My friend said this to me but said google translate could be very wrong.. What does this mean in english? "vous etes tres belle"

Osama showed no mercy to the West/Americans...Will Allah (swt) then show mercy to him?

Of course not! He is being punished brutally in hell as we speak! God is loving and forgiving, but what Osama did deserves neither.

Why cant i get both feet to land a 3 flip?

Skating, have been practicing for months but literally every time i get one foot or the other. Also, my board tends to shoot somewhat in front (as in front of my chest) of me when i tres. HELP?

Islam is NOT like other Abrahamic religions! So why do so many people think it is?

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all monotheistic, have prayers, have places of worship, ceremonies, holy books, and codes of conduct.

Muslims, can you please explain what you believe the punishment for apostasy is?

I love how ignorant people try to put verses but dont read whats around that verse to see why it was put there. stop copy and pasting and actually take the time to read the whole thing.

Christians: Why do you consider your feelings as proof that God exists?

I don't exactly claim that my feelings are proof, I claim that my experiences and studies prove that God is real.

Firm earlobe weeks after stretching?

So i stretched my earlobes to 00 gauge...that was a month ago. Ive been wearing steel tunnels and its been great....but a little while after i stretched i got a pimple on my right earlobe under the skin(not in the piercing...underneath it on the lobe) anyway it finally went away...but 2 weeks later my lobe is firm and doesnt have much stretch to it. I have 00 flares, and they go in my left ear without any fuss.....but they will not go in my right. Do i just have to wait longer for the lobe to heal up more?? any help would be great thanks.

My earlobe is swollen and has pus coming out of it.?

For about a week now, my ear lobe has been swollen slightly and pus comes out of the skin like a pimple does whenever you pop is. It only hurts where the skin has cracked. The pus hardens after a while and causes sort of like a scab. I have no idea what is going on :/

Friday, July 22, 2011

Are we really decendants from Apes and monkeys?

if we really evolve from Apes and monkeys, then why do apes and monkeys still exist? the other thing is, we are taught in islam that there is this kinda knowledge that won't affect the way or the fact that we exists, like that of the very begining of the universe, if Allah really wanted us to know, we would've been there and known exactly about every detail that happened, like how the clusters and the clouds of stars and galaxies, how they formed, another example is for that farmer that uses electricity, if u ask him, he doesnt know what is really going on, he doesnt know about the electric current going through a wire can create a magnetic field, he doesnt even know who discovered that Current usually flows through wires? but does that affects the way of how it is working? does that mean that he cant be benifited from it? it does exists, and no one can deny its existance cuz we see its signs when u turn on/ off the push button light switch, so is the likeness of your existance, you do exists, and you're enjoying the bounties and the gifts of God, every breathe you take, the body functioning, the facilities you have been given, like the ability to taste, see, hear, sense, walk, talk, etc. the intellects you have been given, which you're so-called ancestors of apes and monkeys lacks, you're given a mind to see the signs of the creator, and that mind, that intellect you're given is what seperates you from animal kingdom, and thus, you have this responsablility towards the creator and His creation, you have this responsablitiy to understand the message of truth, and the very reason of why we're here, and unlike animals you are not forced to worship God as they have chosen before their very creation, when Allah asked the heavens and earths and the creatures, to choose weather to be forced to worship Him or to be given a free-will temporary for their lifetime, and they said "we choose to be forced to worship You, O Allah, as we cannot be able to disobey you, we can't bear its conscequences", but mankind have choosen to have this free-will given By their Lord, to choose, and they said "we'll take it", so.. you may deny it if you want to, but this won't help stopping or avoiding the truth when it comes, think about it, Peace :]

Ramadan : what if your muslim husband or wife became a unbeliever in God?

or non practising? This sometimes pushes me to wana live alone cos i will always believe in Allah& im strict. Really strict but a fun person to be with(:

Did I correctly translate this to Spanish?

Change the English version of " Me and my mom went...", the very first sentence to "My mom and I".

What would you name a MUSLIM daycare?

why send them to a muslim daycare im muslim and im not rascist do you want your child not to ver talk to a non muslim a child needs to grow up to understand and respect everyones beliefs so taht they can hav success in their life and so that they learn basic communication skills they also need be able to communicate cuz one day they will have to talk to a non muslim

Can I ask ALLAH (s.w.t) to make the time go fast ?

I just want the time to go very very fast but at the same time I dont want my daily work to be interrupted in any way.

I really think am starting to gain just a Little weight but i cant stop making tres leches cakes Should I stop?

yes, high fat and high sugar makes the weight go up and forget the rapture unless you are planning to eat something not in the afterlife and that is not happening ether.

How can I make my short hair look better?

Ok so I got my hair cut yesterday, and it's awful. I usually have the back really short and leave the sides and the front at my jawline, with side swept bangs covering one side. Well the lady didn't pay attention to what I asked for, she made the back short like I like it, with alot of layers in my hair that i like. but then cut the sides right to my earlobe and the front has the angled cut that I like but the longest part only goes to the middle of my eye. I relied on my hair to make me look more like a girl since my facial features can look slightly boyish. And that's now what i look like since the lady messed up my hair. Can someone please tell me what I can do with my hair to make it work, so that way I look more feminine instead of some slightly feminine emo boy?

Shia,if u believe in these ayat 72:20,6:17,,16:17,17:56 then y u call imamo Ali instead of Allah to help u?

People who ask help from jesus beside Allah are considered mushrikoon although jesus p.b.u.h is better than Ali r.a,so why who ask a help from imam Ali are not mushrikoon?

My stretchers are stuck?

That type gets stuck alot, slowly and gently push it out, if necessary get in the shower, remember to take your time when you stretch or youll get a blowout

Dry skin under ear lobes, Why? (no mean comments!)?

So, last night I took out earrings that I wore for 2 days, and now they were killing my ear. So, I put Hyrdron Proxide on both ears, front and back. But now, when I woke up they had white dry skin all on the back side of the earlobe, and I know this is gross, but I peeled some of it off. Also, Yesterday, when I pyt Hyrdron Proxide on, I saw a speck of blood on the Q-Tip, but just a speck! Also, My earrings that I wore were pearls, And they were also silver. Can someone tell me if I should put new ''Sensible Solutions'' on, or leave my earrings alone?

Purple lump behind right ear ?

I discovered a purple lump on the back of my right ear last week, its about the size of a pea, it feels like its under the skin but the area where it "sticks out" is purple, its not big its only the size of a pea, and is directly above my earlobe, any ideas what it might be?

My hair feels really greasy? How to fix?

i dont think you're washing the conditioner or shampoo out well enough. If it was greasy it wouldn't be crunchy. Next time you go in the shower make sure you massage the head well and dont get out until there is no soap going down the drain. You could also try dry shampoo which is just a spray on and if it is just greasy it will tkae that away. i think it's the conditioner problem but see how you go. :)

Do you go to jennah if you memorize the 99 names of allah and do/did bad stuff?

I am so confused......Every time I go to search it just says you go to paradise but don't tell your the real explanation please tell me I need to know

RAMADAN: Is unconditional obedience of Rasoolallah (saww) unconditional obedience of Allah?

God ordered us to follow the prophet's path and do what he did. If we followed the prophet, then we will be obeying God.

Ear piercing infection?

like, when I remove my earring, after a little bit I'll press on the back of my earlobe and dried... Idk what it is, pokes out the front of the piercing hole, then I'll pull the dried crap out and a few minutes later it's like that again. I've had my ears pierced for 3 yrs. I've tried cleaning it but it doesn't really help.... Probably cuz ill start cleaning it then forget.... But yeah, should I go back to the piercing people or clean it every day? And if I should just clean it, what should I use?

Hard lump behind ear?

it could actually be because of the infected piercing. my friend got a nasty infection while stretching, and discovered a lump near his jaw. as soon as the infection cleared up so did the lump though i highly recommend you see a doctor or your piercer my friends lump did not go away until he saw the doctor and got antibiotics

Can someone translate a spanish note for me?

Sorry, I don't understand if you want this note translated into english, or into spanish, as it is wrongfully drafted, with a very bad spanish (it looks like obtained using an online translator, or something like that). I can help you, but I need to know if you want it translated into english or into spanish.

Why most users turn to social issues to explain why Islam forbid Muslim women marriage to non Muslims?

A Muslim woman can and is able to marry a Non-Muslim man, if it were not possible than how do you explain that it happened? Muslim women have happily married Christian men.

Muslims, do you do dawah?

dawa is something that you do sometime without you even know. giving someone an advice is a dawa. telling someone to do something good is a dawa. even giving you the answer to your question is a dawa

Has anybody seen these signs of Islam?

Like maybe these pictures are old to the muslims, etc. But has anybody seen these. This is an actual tree in Germany I believe, they had to cover it with metal gates or something like that so you know the public won't be able to see or whatnot. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Oh and it says in english 'There is no God but Allah (God)' meaning like one God only, etc. Here is another one if you want to look at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a It's a guy in prayer called 'Ruku' in Arabic meaning bowing in English, yeah. And the tree is facing the holy Kaaba which is Muslims face towards to when praying.

Secretly Ear Stretching...?

well because your 16 your should be able to and i stretched my ear without my parents noticing and they onl noticed this year (i had it for a year before that) and by that time that they saw i was already at a 22mm one so it is easy u just have to be prepared to lie on occassions but i dont see y they shouldnt stretch your ears as you are 16

Cartilage Piercing?? 10 POINTS FOR HELPFUL ANSWER!?

It is fine at claires or ask your mom as long as you use the solution everyday. It might be sore at first but its fine

Author quote meanings, help?

In poems 1 and 3, dream is used to mean an aspiration or goal of life. In poems 2 and 4, it means the movies you see in your head when you go to Sleep.

Is it possible to close your earlobe piercings?

So, I got my ears pierced 3 years ago and the lady at Claires pierced the holes unevenly. One hole is slightly higher then the other and it bothers me. Is there any way for the whole to close and repierce them? I've tried not wearing earrings for months at a time but they never close. Ideas?

Ear problem weird sound?

In my right ear, when i pull on my earlobe i hear a weird noise like krrr idk what noise it is but it sounds weird.. It also sounds like it when i put pressure on the bottom of my ear... I am experiancing NO hearing loss and it started happening 2 weeks ago when i went on a plane and when i started landing it was hurting alot in both my ears but now my left ear is 100% and i was deaf somewhat deaf in my right ear for a while until i slept and woke up and it wasn't deaf andmore so im guessing it was pressure but now my ear sounds like theres alot of earwax in it.. so i need to know if i should try and remove earwax from my ear, my mom uses a tool that looks like the Arch in a capital A like the V in the A and its metal and she removes earwax by inserting it and just taking it out like a crane from those video games with the crane and you grap down on the stuffed animals and get a prize... I know this is a long article but i really need help... its has not been irritating me at all but im just really curious cause i'd hate to have ear problems/

How can i cure eczema my face?

Ive found out that i have eczema from research online i have it near my tragus and near my earlobe, my skin has been peeling and i always get the pressure to scratch it. Ive had it for about 3 or 4 months im worried that it might get worse, how can i cure it? people say i should try using neosporin but i dont know which one to buy? helpp meeeee :[

Ramadan, what can make a woman particularly be sinful in God's eyes?

You sound like an amazing muslim woman, with alot of potential to become even greater inshallah, why is your friend nancy so jealous? Ask her why are you bad? If it doesnt fit the islam logic than change your ways, wow only 21 mashllah we're close to age, i wish to marry a woman with strong deen like you some day.

Christians, how would you react if Muslim children started saying "under Allah" in the pledge?

Keeping in mind that Arabic speaking Christians also say "Allah" because it just means "God" in Arabic.

RAMADAN: Why do most Muslims deny QURAN?

I am not the perfect learner of this religion and its cultures,but still, I want to tell here that It may possible that these some Muslim might not be interested in learning Quran,or it may be possible that they are not able to understand the proper meaning of the Quran.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Whats up with fake earrings bothering my ear?

i got my earlobes pierced last year(my first piercings) and well at first my ears didn't heal but after about 11months or so it "healed" and began to use fake earrings often and well after months using fake cheap earrings my ears started to bother only on one ear(most of the time) it could be either, and well i went back to the gold and it stopped a bit but now i am putting fake earrings back on and one ear can bother a bit whats wrong with this i have friends that use em with no problem.

Should Koran be Banned in Europe & USA ? How do you compare Koran with Mein Kampf ?

I don't think banning it is the right approach. We'll just use the internet to go around the old media, which allows everyone to see how muslims operate, which will kill their religion.

What's the name of song?

I saw the commercial of the new season quiero mi boda on MTV tres. The song playin on the background sounds pretty cool.. It sounds like Zoe or something like that. Anyone know the name? I would appreciate it anyones help

Hinduism&Islam UNITED!!!! What is TRUE NAME of GOD above all prevalent attributive Names of God?

Allah is not confined to 99 Glorious Names. Could not be. According to the hadith the Muslims are exhorted to encompass and comprehend 99 of His Great Names. The Muslim scholars delved deep into this exhortation and prepared Lists of 99 according to own preferences. If all the 14 Lists are put together, the Beautiful Names exceed 300. And it is correct to say that one or more Names are held by Allah Himself to be revealed to some at some time, such as the promised revelation of a Name to the Holy Prophet on the Day of Judgement. 'Om' is not said to be found in Vedas. Parmatma, Parmeshwar seem to mean exactly the same as Allah. 'Rabb' is The Name popular among the Sikh fraternity and It is there in the Holy Quran also. The Glorious Names of Allah is a vast subject. Being brief in response I thank the asker for a brilliant question.

Ramadan very important question will Allah forgive me?

My sister in law loves me shes attracted to my looks i also liking her and i cant really stop it how can i move on from this situation

It feels like there's a bump in my earlobe?

I've had my ears pierced since I was like, 6. I just started stretching my ears this year. There's this hard little bump about the size of a pea inside my lobe right next to the place my ear is stretched. It doesn't hurt to touch, and I can't see it. I can just feel it. What might it be?

Best piercing for someone with low pain tolerance?

maybe a second ear piercing. I'm 13 and I have 3 and it looks really cute. But don't get your nose because those are supposed to hurt A LOT and my cousin got her belly pierced and she said that it hurt a lot too but it depends on the person.

Is a mosque the ideal place to pray to God for muslims?

He can pray at home, that will be his masjid and since he is alone he knows there are no hypocrites praying in it defiling the place.

Anybody know this song?

There's a song that was popular 5-10 years ago that started with the lyrics uno dos tres catorce. And I'm not talking about Vertigo by U2. There was another one. Anybody know the name of the song or the artist?

Extremely dry skin behind my ear lobes?

Right behind my earlobes the skin has been getting extremely dry recently. It's very irritating and burns occasionally. No lotions work. Why? I also have earlobe gauges...maybe it has something to do with that?

Christians: Why do you consider your feelings as proof that God exists?

I don't exactly claim that my feelings are proof, I claim that my experiences and studies prove that God is real.

Hair puffs up after straightening...whats a good product?

A home method for that is to get a fabric sheet and apply it to your hair and just rub it anywere the static is. It might seem like a stupid idea but, works just as well as anti-static spray(:

Ear lobe bleeding due to earing?

Hi, i had my ears pierced when i was 5 and have been wearing earing most of the time from that age up till when i was about 14, now i m 15 and haven't worn any earring for a year and i have recently brought new earrings and put them on and when i took them off the next day in a shower my lobe started bleeding, it looks a mess =/ what can i do ?? why ?? i might be asked not to wear them to school because of our stupid rules in school, but i dont want to have bloody earlobes holes visible like that ! help ???

O Muslim Brothers and Sisters....?

That is beautiful =) but I believe Jesus would say something like that as well about God. You know, our God seems to be very similar

New Earlobe piercing help?

I got my ears pierced two weeks and 5 days ago. I took one of my starter studs out today and put it back in with no problems at all. But I was wondering if it's okay to change to another post earring or if I should wait the full 6-8 weeks?

Music: What music sends your partner to sleep?

He only went and put his ZZ Top Tres Hombres album on and was gone for the count within moments of the first boring blues track ZZzzzzzzzTop alright.

People that believe in the muslim/Christian/jewish shared god: a little challenge for you?

in a paragraph please explain me why ganesh, one of the many hindu gods does not exist, even if millions of people believe in him DO NOT use the words bible or faith as i am ahteist and i wont take thos words seriously, then replace the word ganesh of your paragraph by God/yaweh/allah/jehova and you shall see why it doesnt exist :D

I've developed a lump in my neck beneath my earlobe?

it's right at the edge of my jaw, under my earlobe on the left side. i noticed it maybe a week ago, and it was very painful. then it seemed to go away but now it's back, i'm sure it's bigger and it really hurts to touch. it's soft and the main lump seems to be about the size of a pea but there's swelling around that so it's kind of hard to tell how big it is. and suggestion about what it could be? i don't really want to bother my doctor, the amount of times i'm in and out with my kids i feel like i'd be hassling her.

Can someone correct my Spanish grammar?

diploma t�cnico otorgado a suekrue por haber cumplido satisfactoriamente con los requisitos de la escuela y la industria EN EL CURSO T�CNICO INDUSTRIAL DE TRES A�OS EN Tecnolog�a de medici�n.

Can you help me choice another piercing?

I have 3 holes in my left ear.(earlobes) i have 2 in my right ear (earlobes)i can only get 1 more ear piercing.what should i get?

Exactly what motivates your good deeds?

I'm atheist and I do good deeds, because it makes me feel good and I love seeing how other people benefit from it.

Did this sheikh commit shirk? Muslims please help?

Salam Reallt saying ya rasool allah or calong to prophet muhammad (pbuh) is okay.But we are not allowed to worship and ask for help to Muhmmad pbuh because it means we commit shirk sins We should worship to Allah only (iyya kana budhu) and we should ask for help (wa iyya kanastain) from Allah only.Shirk is asking for help to another power except to Allah.

How does two gay people getting married hurt the institutions of marriage and family?

You're 100% correct. I may be Christian but I think gays should be able to marry. This is America people should be free to marry who ever they want.

Getting a hole repierced?

I got my second holes pierced three times. It will not bleed if they do it right. It does hurt a little bit more because it's going past all the scarred tissue but it still doesn't even hurt just a pinch. You can tell if there's scarred tissue if there's like a little bump in the closed hole but it's still no problem for them to pierce it.

Is this a negative affect for my piercing?

Around 3 weeks ago i got my earlobe pierced and the tattoo artist told me to come back 2-4 weeks to get the jewelry changed. Recently i have changed it myself but the new jewelry is smaller than the jewelry that i was started with. I have around 3 more weeks for a complete healing and do you think this will be a negative affect for my piercing?

Looking for music similar to...?

Check out --- even though it's only Detroit (for now) the artists featured on this blog are TRUE hip hop underground rap artists (and anyone considered to be urban music) are voted on by tens-of-thousands nationwide via internet radio and prove themselves month-after-month. There is a chance for these particular artists to defend their crowns on July 2nd. The UADA does this once a month to find artists that truly deserve to have prosperous careers. Tikko (last month's winner) is very lyrical and personal; like the artists you mentioned and there are plenty more performing on the 2nd! Check these artists out!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I think I'm having an allergic reaction to my acrylic plugs ?

I'm currently stretched to 8g and ive been wearing acrylic plugs all along, never skipping sizes. I just noticed that I have like a weird rash thing on my earlobes and on the back of my ears. They're very itchy and feel weird. Not really painful, just itchy, but I dont think its an infection. Here's the thing: I just ordered a set of stainless steel plugs/tapers on Amazon yesterday because I heard they're better for my ears. Should I leave my plugs in until they arrive? (like later this week) or let them start to close? I don't want to go through the stretching process again...I only have acrylics. What would happen if i left the plugs in with an irritation but continues to do sea salt soaks and stuff?

Pierced my ear with clothes pin?

So I pierced my earlobe with a needle and when I took it out and tried to stick a earring in there I couldn't so I put a safety pin in there what should I do to be able to put an earring in there. I disinfected the needle my ear and clothes pidodo I won't get an ear infection right? 10 points best answer thanks(:

How to change a schools policy?

The Hair code at my school sais no males hair may touch the top of the earlobe I go to a public school and I want medium length hair how do I express myself=[

I had a friend who's earring backs got stuck inside her earlobe and now she wants to get them repierced?

My friend used to have her ears pierced but the backs got stuck in her earlobe and she had to pull them out herself. They kinda left a scar where the hole used to be and she wants to get them re pierced but she doesn't know if it's a good idea or not. Is it safe for her to get them redone?

How can i get my ear hole to close faster?

i've had my earlobes pierced for a couple years now and then i got a second hole. when i got home i saw that the first hole was really high. now i want them to close so i can get them re-pierced. can i do anything to make them close faster???

Malcolm X Quotes regarding Islam, Is this still relevant for today ?

No, it's not relevant today. The prevailing sect of Islam is Wahhabism these days --it is totally intolerant of other religions

How to make him notice me?

Okay so u really like these guy rite...I know how u feel I liked these guy but we never talked just eye contact most of the time anyways lol just to make him notice always be yourself...try to talk to him more and always look in his eyes wen u guyz talk...if u wanna look cuter n not slutty wear a cute outfit that fits ur personality and do your hair cute if you really hate straightning do wat I do okay u get a front section on your hair line and start twisting ur section of hair to the side and as you do dat add abit hair wen its good enough get an elastic and. Make a side pony wit the twist in der pretty!!!use boby pins to make hair better and add a flower pin rite wer da elastic is or a cute bow.and hairspray also change your makeup ubit n look more natural pink is da best color for dat peachy natural look....also just be fun urself and always smile around him...wen u grow abit confidence hug him!!!

I want an earring but my dad wont lemme get it pierced, im a 15 yr old guy, just a regular ear lobe?

he wnt let me get it cuz he doesnt think its respectible. im white and he says if i was black i might get away with it....(no racism).. i want a list of a few ppl who have a piercing that are respectable people, preferably white....they dnt have 2 b crazy piercings, just small earlobe ones...even just one ear pierced

Hard balls in my earlobe?

i have one where i got my ear pierced but i have 2 other hard balls in my earlobe.. i don't have any piercings there though. what are they? they hurt when i squeeze them

Do christians believe sus is the God of Israel like muslims believe alat (became allah) is the god of xtianity?

Jesus is God for Christians but the same God of isreal, Muslims believe in Old Testament,and altered one

How to hide stretched earlobes from my dad ? Please help !?

I've seen some flesh coloured plugs that could fool him. But at the end of the day he will probably find out one way or another :( Hopefully he's not too much of an ogre!! I put a link to a shop that sells what Im talking about at the end.

Help with a french translation!?

can anyone translate "je vois, c'est un travail tres sd-rieux, avec de gros livpe et beaucoup de papiers sur une grande table" ? it's written on a shirt of mine and i'm just really curious what it means, thanks!

Tragus piercing, but an itchy and irritated earlobe..?

Okay, so.. I had my tragus pierced a little over two weeks ago (it didn't really hurt, never bled, and I am still cleaning it 2-3 times a day). After a little over a week and a half, the normal tragus itching occurred and now the actual tragus itching has pretty much stopped. BUT now, other sections of my ear are itching, especially my ear lobe (its a little pinkish in color and is now a little raw to the touch). Any suggestions as to why this is happening? Or maybe any exact/similar experiences? I plan on seeing a doctor tomorrow, but I'm just really concerned! Thanks!

With a mixed signal on stretching your earlobes with silicone tunnels, who can I believe?

I am trying to go from 3/4" to 1" so I bought some silicone 7/8" tunnels and put them in today. I was at 3/4" for about a year and could pull them out from the tapered side of my tunnels. I have now read that some people have horrible experiences with using silicone and others say it works fine if done properly. I lubricated my ear and the tunnels with jojoba oil and I have been checking them for sticking. they are a bit tender now after 10 hours but I pulled them out and cleaned them and i see no signs of rips or bleeding. should I continue with what I am doing or is there a better way? I have no other 7/8" jewelry available

Allergic reaction to stainless steel gauges?

I pierced my ears exactally a week ago today using a gauge 14 piercing needle and had no complications, The piercing i had in was a surgical steel curved rod. Today i bought these stainless steel size 12 rods and put them in and my earlobe turned red and got sort of itchy.. and I kinda just dont know what to do..

How long should i wait to get another ear piercing?

You don't have to wait at all. There is nothing wrong with getting multiple piercings at the same time or having multiple piercings healing at the same time.

What's your opinion of piercings on teens?

I'm 15 and I have 6 piercings. I have two cartilage piercings on the same ear, my tragus of the other ear, both earlobes pierced once and my nose pierced. I'd consider myself classy, I don't wear revealing clothing most of the time, I'm kind of shy and quiet. I don't do "stuff" with guys, or anyone else for that matter and I'm dead set against teen drinking and drug abuse. I also do well in school. I'm wondering if someone might get the wrong impression of me when they see my piercings? Would you be surprised to find out these personality traits of mine? Usually I'm not so self conscious about my piercings, but I get some pretty ignorant remarks. Someone told me today that I look creepy because of my piercings T____T What do you think?

Can you go blind by piercing your earlobe?

My mom's boss told her that if you hit a vein in your earlobe when you get it pierced you can go blind. Is it true? I REALLY wanna get mine done, but my mom keeps saying i can't because you'd go blind, it's not a 100 % chance you'd go blind. I mean..probably millions of people do that, and they're not blind. Thats a stupid fact actually, I mean..she would've been lying, but all i want to know is if it it's true or not.

Can someone correct my french it's URGENT?

After having eaten we built a sandcastle yet it started to rain so we had to leave. In the evening I went to the movies with my family but my brother could not come because he was sick. After watching the movie, we ate pizza for dinner but I was not very hungry so I did not eat all my food.

I put an earring back in my infected ear?

Since you already removed the piercing I would say no and just start over again. If you were pierced by a "piercing gun" that could be the cause because those will sometimes just rip the flesh instead of piercing. I would also recommend going to a shop that's a member of the A.P.P, the Association of Professional Piercers.

A lump in my earlobe?

It could be a skin tag. Doesn't sound like a tumor to me but hey, im not a doctor. There are free clinics you can go to.

Is it normal for your earlobe to just fall off?

I woke up this morning and was playing with my new gauges and my earlobe just fell off! Should i see a doctor? Should i get medical attention? Can i ignore it?

Hydrogen Peroxide on my ear help!?

I got my ears pierced a week and a half ago, but we ran out of that special solution for newly pierced ears because they gave me so little of it. A lady at the store said we could use Peroxide and apply hydrocortisone afterwards. So I used Hydrogen Peroxide, concentration 3%, on my ears, but did not apply hydrocortisone afterward. I soaked the earlobe in the Peroxide twice a day, but some of it got on the skin behind my ears. After three or so days, i went to sleep with my ears burning, and it was very painful, but I left it alone. I woke up the next morning with the skin behind my ears red and swollen, and there were little red bumps on my earlobes. I kept using the Peroxide on my ears, but put Triple Antiseptic on them after the Peroxide. But my ears are still red and the earrings are getting stuck and I can't turn them unless I wet them. When will they stop being so red and swollen and can I do anything to speed up the healing process for my ears? Thanks!

Whats wrong with my ears!?

I got my ear lobes pierced when I was five years old, i recently didn't wear earrings for a few months and when i tried to put some back in my ears it really hurt and bled a little, i think my ear piercings had begun to close up. for the past month since that happened both my earlobes have weird lumps and itch quite bad, when i look at them in the mirror you can't see the lumps, all you can see are a few red lines on my earlobes. I took my earrings out 2 weeks ago but the lumps haven't gone! its really freaking me out, i thought it would pass but more lumps keep on showing up every day... please help?

Will God ever wipe mankind again?

god flood the whole world cause there was evil in the world so god told noah to build a ark for his wife and his sons and his sons wife but god said he will never flood the worldc ever again but the earth is still bad will god ever wipe out earth again without a flood. why didnt god do it now since the earth is bad is it because there is no one like noah who has faith and holy and worships the lord (i dont mean allah muslim) is that why god didnt wipe out earth yet cause god didnt find the right person to do the job. plz no mean answers

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Translate some french? It's like text talk,so i can't figure it out...?

Salut Anthony, je sais que je vais �crire bizarre (verlan slang) mais c'est pour que ta copine ne comprenne pas, mort de rire (lol). C'est juste par curiosit�, tu la verras quand en face � face? (comment que j'en bave pour �crire trop mal). Car elle est quand m�me en Am�rique, non? Et �a se passe comment avec? Ne me dis pas que c'est une blagounette avec elle.

Has anybody seen these signs of Islam?

Like maybe these pictures are old to the muslims, etc. But has anybody seen these. This is an actual tree in Germany I believe, they had to cover it with metal gates or something like that so you know the public won't be able to see or whatnot. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Oh and it says in english 'There is no God but Allah (God)' meaning like one God only, etc. Here is another one if you want to look at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a It's a guy in prayer called 'Ruku' in Arabic meaning bowing in English, yeah. And the tree is facing the holy Kaaba which is Muslims face towards to when praying.

Should I stand for up for what I belive?

I go to a school with a public hair code that days a males hair cannot touch the earlobe for it's distracting should I refuse to cut my hair

Does this make sense? im trying to describe my family n spanish?

Me llamo Adrian Coprich. TENGO CUATRO hermanos y una hermana. SE LLAMAN: Aaron, Harry, Eddie, Lance, y Arlicia. MI madre SE llamA Tamara y MI padrE SE llamo Adrian. MI familia es corto esperar dos joven hermanos. (what are you trying to say?) MI hermana Arilcia es neuvo madre la chica (A young mother??= una madre joven). MI hermano MAYOR TIENE tres HIJOS (SONS)

Please muslims i need your help?

Think this way: Your sadness is nothing compared to many others' sadness. The Prophet experienced much more persecution and "sadness" throughout his life than you are and he did not grieve for five years. Instead of sitting there and dwelling on your "sadness" study the world. Read books and philosophy and most importantly the Quran. Learn and convince yourself enough that God does indeed exist.

Que pensez vous de l ecole Advancia Negocia?

Oui, il ' s bonne si vous voulez en savoir plus sur l'entreprise. Si vous avez d�j� �t� accept� puis, vous devriez visiter et voir si vous l'aimez. Je ne sais pas sur les autres �coles. Si vous souhaitez plus de r�ponses en fran�ais, vous pouvez poser cette question dans la section fran�aise de Yahoo! Answers.

What are these itchy bumps, and why are they appearing all over me?

This started last week. I woke up one morning to find a red line of bumps down the middle of my forehead, and I thought that maybe I had scratched it on something, but then later, the bumps started to itch. I just want to know what they could possibly be! I'm not allergic to anything, and it's not poison ivy. It seems that every day I wake up with more bumps! I now have a bunch of then on my head (the line on my forehead, one on each cheek, one on my jawbone, one behind my earlobe, and one on my ear), a group on my shin, and i just woke up from a short nap to find a group of ELEVEN on my foot!! What is happening to me?

How do I get this girl to break up with this guy that is not right. For her?

See my best friend and a guy named tres are going out and the last time they went out everyone made fun of them but everyone says they are not meant for each other they fight alot and a bunch of ppl think they r going to have a kid before they graduate and I kno tht he will either rape or hurt her to have a kid because I kno this girl very well I mean she is sister to me I mean she means the world to me and I really don't and wouldn't like if something likes this happen to her he trys to be cool and kiss her out in public but they have never kissed all they have done is held hands what should I do

Where should I get my piercing?

So far I have one piercing on each earlobe. After asking my mother a few times, she is letting me get another piercing. She is only allowing one though. Should I get it on my right cartilage, my left cartilage, another one on my right earlobe or another on my left earlobe?

Why is Buddha commonly depicted with long ear-lobes?

Currently, I'm watching a wonderful documentary on Buddha. Many pictures, tapestries, and statues showed Buddha with long earlobes. It made me curious as to why he had long ear-lobes, and why many of his followers didn't. My question is, why is he shown with long ear-lobes so often?

Is music haram i dont think it is do you?

Assalamu Alaikum my brother. I don't ve much to say cos u ve asked a question and impressively u ve answered it all. Bt to comfirm it for u more I will say music is nt haram in any way. Bt everytin has a demerit music is haram wen it makes u do sinful tins or think of bad tins just as u ve said. Music is haram if it makes u dance in front of women and u knw d rest. Music is good for d heart and mind. Those dt say its haram I bliv dey fanatics. Wassalam

Wow, what a hockey game! do I have a consensus?

If you haven`t realized Vancouver doesn`t play very well when not at home, they will win the remainding games at home an win the cup.

If you speak French can you please help!!!?

Hmm I'm not native, but wouldn't you say "j'�tais excit�"? Even in English, I would say "I was very excited" to describe a past state...

Why people consider shia as muslims?

They are polytheists,they worship imam Ali,and when they are in pain or having trouble they say O Ali instead of O Allah! and they claim that Gabriel was meant to give the message to Ali but he lost his way and gave it to muhammad! and when they quote they dont say prophet mohammad said:etc but they say Ali said :etc! so they have their own religion but it does include our quran and they lost after prophet mohammad died just like chrisrians did when prophet jesus left,why people consider them muslims?!

Ouch... my earlobe piercing hurts?

It's normal for it to be sore, but keep an eye on it. I got my ears pierced at Claire's when I was younger and after a few weeks they both became extremely infected and I had to let them close up. I know a number of other people who have gotten infections from being pierced at Claire's as well. Granted, there are several who have gotten by fine with their Claire's piercings, but I'd just keep an eye on it if I were you.

What does a nose piercing feel like?

Okay, so I've had my earlobes pierced twice (because they got plugged), and my ears were very sensitive, and I no longer wear earrings. The actually piercing didn't hurt at all for me, so would it hurt like that? I've also had an IV which is a painful shot that pumps water into your blood (when I had my tonsils taken out), when I was done, it wasn't too bad.(just during) So, does it hurt more like an ear piercing, or an IV? Or do you have another example?

Getting my earlobe re-pierced?

Okay here's the story, I had my left earlobe pierced a while back, and like last year. So I had it pierced twice, and I had my right ear pierced only once. Both holes has closed up but now I want to get them pierced again but the only thing that is stopping me is these small little bumps/ball thingies in my lobe. I just don't want them to like keyloid and get all ugly basically. I just want to know do you think that it would be safe to get them repierced ?

Cartilage piercings + hair dye.?

So yeah, I'm your average rebellious punck-rocked teen but I'm good in school and stuff and have had big ambitions for later in life since I was 6 and it's not changed. However I'm really really into the whole punkrock scene and I badly want my cartilage(ear) pierced but my mum said no. I'm 14 and I've done all my "homework" on it. If I hadn't done "homework" then I wouldn't have known that getting it pierced with a gun can lead to infection and/or shattering your cartilage. So yeah, I know now to get it done with a needle. Also, it's not that expensive is it? Anyways, how can I persuade my mum to let me get it done? She let me get my earlobe's pierced first time when I was 7! And then redone when I was 9! So yearh. And my other question was, I want to dye my hair this ( colour and my mum has been perfectly fine with me dying it allsorts of coulours in the past, it's just will it show up on my hair? (My hair's a really dark brown colour) Or will I need to bleach it? Sorry it's so long but thankyou!

How to keep curly hair straight n will hairsray make it curly?

ok so i wanna straighten my hair like...рin straight n its hard to do but any tips?? NOT PRODUCTS TIPS PLZZ n will tres two hairspray stop the humidity? btw my hair is curly lmao

Question about ear plugs (gauges)?

You should sit there and maybe smile to yourself that you did everything fine and are just fine right now. The reason you cannot twist your new tapers is because they are so newly stretched. What you are experiencing is what you should expect. It only makes sense, you stretched the hole so now the skin is pulled tight around the taper and it's tender and not yet healed so twisting the taper would of course be difficult. Relax and don't worry about it. Give your ears a few days and then you should be able to twist if you really want to, but twisting is not necessary for healing. Just keep your ears clean (which I'm sure you already know) and be patient while they heal. You are fine!

Monday, July 18, 2011

How do your earlobes line up with your nipples?

Well it's a complex mathematical relationship which is very hard to explain in words. If you send me a photo that includes both your earlobes and nipples I'll be able to annotate it with the specific formula and ratios that will clearly explain this phenomena.

I have bloody discharge around my piercing (second earlobe hole)?

i have bloody discharge around my piercing in the mornings when i wake up .. is this normal ? its beeen happening for two days now . my first hole is fine but my second does this . i just keep it clean and remove the stuff when it happens .

All those that have their tongue pierced, Will this work?

I have my earlobes pierced twice and thats it, at some point I want to get both Cartilage, tragus, and navel piercing. I'm thinking of also getting a tongue. What are your experiences with your tongue piercing? I am turning 18 in May of 2012 and my B-Day is on a Friday so I will have the weekend. I will still have a month left of school. Will my piercing be somewhat healed, and I wont be talking with a lisp and will the swelling go down with the weekend? Will I be able to put in a retainer in after a month of getting it? Or should I just stick with getting a navel Piercing when I turn 18? Thanks for any help.

To have attached earlobes, did both parents need to have this too?

No both parents don't need to have attached earlobes. If one does but the other doesn't it's perfectly normal for you to have an attached earlobe. It's all in genetics. The allele for attached earlobes may be dominant or recessive. It may depend, looking back in family history on attached earlobes or not.

Is this correct in French. Native/Fluent speakers only.?

Le temps �tait tr�s beau mais quelquefois il faisait trop chaud. Par chance il y avait une piscine � l'h�tel et m�me mieux on pouvait se rafra�chir dans la mer.

What would you think about these dua?

its a very good Du'a but don't forget to sent salutation upon the Prophet .such as O ALLAH SENT YOUR PEACE AND BLESSING UPON THE PROPHET AND HIS FAMILY AS YOU SENT UPON IBRAHIM AND HIS FAMILY

Does anyone know the answer to this qustion? Also muslim guys can answer this question. Please help me?

I think u need some serious help!and who told you afghanz r terrorists??im pretty damn sure that u dnt kno all the ******** afghans in america,just becuz one gay **** did sumthin wrong it doesnt make the whole afghan population bad.its just like sayen that white ppl r mean *** sucking bitchs(becuz of slavery) but that wouldnt b true & not rite becuz i dnt kno all of them,and not everyones the same(get real dude and open up ur closed eyes!

In your opinion: Who is the most bishie of anime characters?

I don't know any of those characters but the first guy doesn't look like a ***** lol. I'd say Azula from Avatar the Last Air bender and Light from Death note.

If my sister is disturbing the peace of my neighbours and making them afraid, have i left fold of islam?

Take it easy and make your sister undersand politely. We tend to err but door of repentance is open till last breath. :)

Why do scapelled earlobes stretch easier?

Well it's much faster to have them scapelled. But they don't stretch easier because of all the scar tissue that builds up as a result of scapelling.

Q: Is god on your side?

God is not on my side. I am on His side only by His wonderful grace. I am no longer His enemy. God does not have to earn my acceptance, yet I have earned His, through adoption in Jesus Christ.

What is the time in early monring for dua and how allah grant your dua?

Its between 4:30 to 6:30am morning,i believe there is nothing,like good time for bad asking for prayers,it depends on how much faith you have in when reciting....

What are those..uhm, small, black rings people have inside their earlobe called?

A small, hollow black ring. I can't even find a picture of it. Most likely because of the accuracy of the question. Yeah, so..any ideas?

Ear Piercing Pain Levels by location?

I think it looks really nice when people pierce the cartilage. However, I've never had it done, so I don't know any pain level to tell you. In my opinion, cartilage pierced without lobe pierced would look fine.

ZZ Top "Tres Hombres" album cover question?

Inside ZZ Top's "Tres Hombres" album cover there's a picture of a couple of plates of Mexican food and I've always wondered where this food from. I'm assuming that it's from some Mexican food restaurant and holy crap does it look GOOD!! Anybody know where this food is from?

Whats wrong with my piercing?

i've had my ears pierced ever since i was a baby and now im a teen. i have sensitive skin so i can only wear pure gold earrings. i wore fake earrings a couple weeks ago and then my piercing got all pussy. i cleaned it and put my gold earring back. i left the earrings on for 2-3 weeks and i took it off to clean once a day but my piercing still have puss!!!! and i dont know what this is but my earlobe almost looks...dry? it disgusting! has stupid dry skin and puss WTH DO I DO!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! D:<

Thinking about getting my belly-button pierced. Help?

I would rate it a 2 or 3 . it can get infected depending on where you got it pierced and how hygenic you are when cleaning it. Aftercare: You should clean it twice daily using a q-tip and a saline solution ( boiling water and sea salt, left to cool lol) doing this should keep bacteria away from your new piercing.

Should I get my ears re-pierced?

Okay here's the story, I had my left earlobe pierced a while back, and like last year. So I had it pierced twice, and I had my right ear pierced only once. Both holes has closed up but now I want to get them pierced again but the only thing that is stopping me is these small little bumps/ball thingies in my lobe. I just don't want them to like keyloid and get all ugly basically. I just want to know do you think that it would be safe to get them repierced ?

What is this song called?

what is the song called that starts off like "uno dos tres quatros green on top of cheese on top of chips like nachos you know im the head honcho it hustle in the house im boardin out wherever i go" and then the chorus is like you know i gotta hustlehustlehustlehustlehustle

What piercing would suit me?

what piercing would suit me im thinking about getting my lip pierced but im not sure if it would suit me and i already have 8 piercings 1 left ear cartilage, 3 each earlobe and nose and how much do it hurt???

RAMADAN: What is the difference between a Muslim and a Momin?

Salam The difference between a muslim and a mukmin .A muslim has eeman or faith through believes in Allah and messengers,holy books,angels and akheerat life and also qadr He/she says shahadah and knows the oneness of Allah.He/she tries hard to practise Islam in his/her daily life A mukmin ,has eeman or faith ,hears and adheres to the Qur'an and hadith,tries to practise Isalam daily,.He/she bring others to do good deeds and avoid bad deedsHe/she always increase his/her eeman.He/she obeys to his/her promise and everything trusted to him/her.He/she maintains his/her prayers and he/she performs jihad with his/her wealth and soul,pays zakat and protects his/her honour.

I have a question about a verse in the quran?

in the quran in the surah al baqarah it says this "Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearings, (i.e. they are closed from accepting Allah's Guidance), and on their eyes there is a covering. Theirs will be a great torment." my question is why would god want to set a seal on their heart and not heal them if he is the most merciful. thank you and only nice answers please coming from a curious muslim :)

Ear Gauges in the NAVY?

I don't know, but you get some marine inspecting you, he is going to be on you like white on rice. Gauges are ridiculous, what possessed you to do that? I can understand native African tribes doing that, since it is steeped in tradition.

Help Spanish Flunet speaker (sorry cant spell)?

I can help you spell 'fluent', and I can also suggest you try to do at least SOME of these questions yourself. If you're studying Spanish at all, it's impossible that you can't answer ANY of them. Even I can, and I've only studied Latin and French.

Where are men supposed to dab their cologne?

While I know that women dab their cologne below the earlobes, on the inside of the elbow and on the backside of the knee, I'm just curious as to where men dab their cologne. Do men know the difference between aftershave and cologne and where to dab or rub each?

French language translation help please?

mon chien est tr�s f�ch�. Il vient de finir son d�ner. Il avait d�j� mang� avant de finir le reste de la viande. Quelque fois il casasit la verre d'orange. La fen�tre �tait toujours ouverte. Le chien essayerait la fermer mais il avait pas de la forte � r�parer le flacon. Apr�s avoir fini son d�ner, il peutais sentir son bo�te de pocheurs. La voisine avait beaucoup des probl�mes. Sa jambe �tait tr�s vielle avec des pi�ces tout plac�es. Sa jambe �taitt tr�s fonc� avec quelque des boutons plac�es. Elle avait les cheveux tr�s clairs et avec l'air comme la t�ch� de lait compliqu�.

Can someone check the grammar for my french?

I know this website that could help you with that problem.Visit for all the problems related to this issue.

Help with 360 (tre) flips?

you just have to stay centered over your board as much as possible when setting up for a tre flip. That most likely does not sound like much of a help but it's the best way i can explain it. All you have to do is just keep practicing and you will learn it for yourself.

How much does it hurt to get a second ear piercing in your earlobe?

for the ear it may sting a bit afterwards but the process of piercing takes only one second. so it shouldn't really hurt at all.

Muslims: Who is much more closer to islam Judaism or christianity?

my brother says its christians who are much closer to muslims (straite path) than jews. But christians commit shriekh all the time by saying jesus is god. Allah hates shriekh (a very big sin) and it is hard for god to forgive. how are they closer? is it because the jews are far much worse?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

How come pagans don't see that the only rational god for a world such as this, is Allah?

I don't understand the purpose or logic of Allah,who doesn't have a form.Islam is a Pagan religion without any purpose but destruction.Islam is not even a religion.Islam is something fake who's only aim is destruction.More and more people all over the world are moving away from Islam due to its destructive nature.I don't mean to upset anyone,but this is a fact.More and more people in Europe and America should be Educated on how destructive Islam really is.

Is there a way to reopen a lobe peircing?

I got my third earlobe piercing last summer. One grew in , and the other one is halfwayy grown in. I can still stick in earing in throw the front, but not the back. is there a way to re open this?

How can I overcome my desires and truly submit myself to ALLAH (s.w.t) ?

I am always thinking about sex whenever I see a hot girl in this hot weather I just want to *uck them but at the same time I dont want to do it how can I overcome my desires and just be a good muslim its so hard these days with girls are wearing in my neighborhood

I have a weird lump under my earlobe?

i have this weird lump, its around a pea size, under my earlobe where the earlobe joins the face... ive had it for ages, its never bothered me once, when i poke it, it hurts, if i squeeze it, it hurts, but it doesnt cause any immediate pain unless i do something to start the pain off.... any ideas what it maybe? how to get rid of it? Ive had it for quite a while now and i was very curious at first, got bored of it and left it for ages but now im starting to wonder :/ im 15 if its any help

Would i look good with an ear piercing?

I think you would suit an ear piercing at the top of the ear, I forget the name of the piercing, but yes you would still suit an ear piercing :)

How to change a schools policy?

It's unfair that a boy can't have hair that touches his earlobe how do I stand up to this unfair rule

What piercing should I get??? (guy)?

im not sure, you don't look like someone that would have piercings, Maybe just ears, or cartilage like you said?

Need genetics help please?

Mom is heterozygous for unattached earlobes and does not have freckles. Dad has attached earlobes and is homozygous for freckles. What genotypes and phenotypes can we expect from offspring? Include ratios and this is a two trait cross

How do you test if your ears are sensitive to nickel?

I came across this website that mentioned something about leaving them in for a few hours. Is there any way I can test if my earlobes are sensitive to nickel by doing something like that?

Yellow pus coming out my earlobe?

I got my ears pierced 6 weeks ago and I've been cleaning it with the cleaning stuff that claire's gave me. Yesterday it was time to change my earrings so I bought some and changed them but one of my earrings was hard to go into my right ear. This morning I woke up and yellow pus was coming out of it.

Stretching my Ears: No Trouble until the 8g to 6g stretch?

My right ear did the exact same thing yours is. My left ear stretched up fine but my right ear just wouldn't go. I know for me, I had a build up of scar tissue on my right ear that prevented the taper from sliding in past a certain point. I recommend massaging your ear with something like Bio Oil or Vitamin E oil twice a day for about a week. If anything, it'll make the skin more pliable and loose to work with. I'd also say to try tapering in the shower. The steam always seems to help things work more smoothly. Whatever you do, please don't just shove it in. I tore my ear trying by doing that and it was one of the most painful things I've ever experienced.

How would you describe a tres leche cake?

Tres Leches Cake is extremely dense and ultra moist, almost like a custard. Tres Leches is sweet and delicious, but never soggy. It is a sponge cake which utilizes the texture of the sponge to hold as much milk as it can.

What ear piercing should I get?

Ok so on my one ear I got an industrial piercing done like a while ago also on that same ear I have double earlobe piercings. I feel like my other ear is very bare I only have my double earlobes and one cartlidge piercing. I want to get a fun ear piercing like a rook or a conch but I can't decide way one to get. What is a fun unusual ear piercing that you would notice a lot But I can't decide wat todo on the other ear pleeeaaassse help lol personal experiences are nice too like if one certain ear piercing heals relatively quicker than the other or if one is easier to clean or if one gets caught in your hair less. Thanks :) again I want one that's different and the most noticeable.

Islam do you agree? Huh?

Islam is something I believe in but I don't believe in prayer or hijab or fasting. Your relationship with Allah is personal and doesn't involve all these things. What do you think?

Could I get someone to proofread?

Looks really good! :) I dunno about keeping the usted as Ud. but I see it that way in textbooks, so I suppose that is okay! Lol. You could try putting it in Google Translate to check it as well, but it looks good to me! Bueno suerte mi amigo! :D

Vampire story any better?

It's pretty good, other than the before-mentioned grammar concerns. It's better than I thought it would be when I started. You have potential, and I don't say that to everyone.

How To Scrunch My Hair Overnight, But With Limited Products?! HELPP!?

After you get out of the shower, run the mouse through your hair. Take the scrunching gels and scrunch the way you usually would. Spray with spray, then leave your hair in loose braids overnight. In the morning, repeat the precess and your done.

RAMADAN: Is IMAM ALI (AS) dead of Shaheed?

your question is weird. You asked if he is shaheed, but then u expanded the question to ask if he is still alive. Dunno either of them :P

How can I convince my mom to let me pierce my lip?

My mom is very strict when it comes to piercings. I just got my earlobes about a month ago & that was my first. I'm 15 years old & I really want my side labret done. All my friends parents let them get piercings but not mine. & whenever I say " oh my friend has hers! " my mom will say " well I guess her mom loves her more. " as a joke. She says I'm too young to make that decision but I can always take it out if I get sick of it. I've been thinking about it for a while & it's something I really want.

Sufis in islam and christians?

In islam sufis tell unauthentic stories and exaggerate prophet Muhammed(saw) and turns him into god.For example they tell that the message prophet Muhammed has taken from angel gabriel was given to angel Gabriel by prophet Muhammed(saw)(a kind of trinity )they say prophet Muhammed(saw) can see us in everywhere and every they give the attribute of Allah to prophet Muhammed(saw).they deviated because they exaggerated prophet Muhammed.Didnt christians do the same thing and exaggerate prophet Jesus by wrong understandings and stories

Tragus piercing I need answers!?

Okay, so I really want a tragus piercing. I think they are really cute. This will be my first ear piercing (besides my earlobes). I just need to know how bad it hurts? What is the pain compared to? Should I get both done on the same day? Or get one done one day then go back a few months later? How long do I have to wait before I can change the barbell?

Lost spirit. can i help it?

If people kill them selves they go into a wandering ghost state and will probably still be around the place of death.The Catholic priests do an exorcism to move the ghost on, worth a try

What would be the best hairstyle for me?

its called the beiber bowl and you should cut it into a fauxhawk cause that would look much better, im sure your earlobes are fine

Am I love sick, or just sick?

Well, it sound like both. If you've been having fevers and throwing up, you are definitely sick. But if you say you're in love, i guess you're both.

What should i get pierced next?

i have had my monroe, tragus, left cartilage. and i took those out. i currently have 2 in each earlobe, right cartilage, nose and bellybutton. i am thinking about either getting my tragus redone, getting my bottom part of my bellybutton, or bottom lip. what should i do?

Spanish help. Can you check my answers? 10pts!?

Hey listen Johnny i was 5 years old before i spoke my first two words. Ya wanna know what they were? Okay they were Gee man, or somethin like that.

Does it hurt to get a second ear piercing right next to the one on your earlobe?

It only feels like a little bee sting. The first ear doesn't hurt, but the second ear will sting way more just because you know what you are expecting.

Earlobe too thin with purple streak inside from stretching?

I will admit that I went too fast in gauging my ears. A year ago I started gauging every week until I got to a 0, and from then on I would gauge every 2 to 3 weeks until I got to 5/8. After a month I went to 3/4 and that was a huge stretch, I got it done at a piercing shop because I couldnt do it myself and the stretch went fine, but I stupidly changed to flared plugs after 4 days because the huge tapers were hurting my ears, and ended up battling with infected torn earloabes for about a month after that and took them off for more than a month to heal the infection. I started all over again after they were healed, but was so eager to get back to what I used to be that right away from the 2 g I had shrunk, I was able to go to 1/2 in without any pain at all. I would wait 2 weeks in between stretches, but these stretches were painless, and I thought it was because I had my ears previously gauged to a bigger size. I got to 7/8 without any problem a month later but decided to downsize to 3/4 because one of my ears started stretching closer to where my head connects to my ear and I know that was from the result of fast stretching so I went back to try and correct that. But my other ear is way too thin, it is really dry always and peeling, and has scar tissue at the back that curls inwards from having torn that earlobe the first time I went to that size a couple of months back. My question now is, is my blood flow being cut off from the thiness and that is what has caused this redish purple streak across the inside of my earlobe? What should I do? Would taking off the plugs to let it reheal for a month or so solve that problem and the blood flow in my ear should return? I am just worried my ear will tear apart on its own if the problem is the blood flow? I have no infections my ears dont puss or anything of that sort nor hurt. My ear had practically torn all the way in half the first time so the scar tissue that grew to cover that is what is so thin around the ear.

Latin help: Sentence?

Could someone please help me say what the translation for this sentence is. The story is about this slave who has stolen something and is now on his way to the city(presumably to sell the stolen goods). Here is the sentence: subito tres servos conspexit. Does it mean he suddenly caught sight of three slaves or does it mean suddenly three slaves caught sight of him? Thanks!

Por que siento que la gente del pueblo donde vivo me quieren bolver loco?

Creo que estoy delirando. Pero no lo creo. Siempre que salgo de casa al trabajo o a cualquier parte la gente se burla de mi, comienzan a hablar cosas feas de mi yo los escucho y se r�en se burlan. Yo nunca me he metido con nadie ni le he hecho mal a nadie. Tengo mucho miedo que se metan con mi familia quienes nunca han tenido problemas con nadie. Pero creo que el foco de este problema son unas vecinas. Una que le monto cuernos al marido, Y desde esa ves la tiene agarrada con nosotros o con migo se pasa diciendo que a nosotros no nos gustan los vecinos y que nosotros le hachamos vaina a la gente y eso es mentira, yo no la trato porque es una burlona y asquerosa y lo peor del caso es que se la da de inocentona delante de todo el mundo. La otra vecina tiene tres hijas y cada una les ha montado cuerno a sus maridos y tienen un hijo de cada hombre. Estas vecinas chismean cosas malas de nosotros que no son ciertas creo que asta nos hacen brujer�a porque siempre en frente de la casa por la ma�ana la pared est� llena de orine todos los d�as, creo que lo hacen para que la gente no hable mal de ellas si no de mi. Soy el puerquito del pueblo creo que me volver� loco. Necesito consejos ay�denme.

Poll: How do you think humans came about? Why?

Unless you experienced that you have an immortal spirit body (soul) in your mortal physical body, you would never accept the truth that there was God who created you. Do not waste your time reading the books of lies/speculations, just wait for your turn to have a close encounter with your God whose laws was put in your heart and written in your mind.

Muslims:What are the Islamic arguments for God's existence?

How would you prove the Allah's existence from arguments purely based on Quran and Hadiths,not borrowed from Greek philosophy?

Is it true that the US government is ran by the new world order nwo rand is ran by illuminati?

and the illumintati is ran by glenn beck and he is ran by the two voices in his head they are call muhammed and Allah aka the devil

Tres Leches Cake. Three Milk Cake?

I am thinking of making this cake. But not from scratch. I am more inclined towards using betty crocker's super moist cake that nothing goes wrong with the cake. What mix is better for three milk cake recipe.....white cake mix, yellow cake mix or the vanilla cake mix? which would turn out better and why? their website says to use yellow cake mix but I wanted to know what if I use white cake mix? I don't want to ruin this because I am making it for a party.......

Why can't Muslims listen to music?

i didn't know muslims could not listen to music. i have seen muslims on here post links to muslim music. it wasn't my kind of music, but it was music just the same. perhaps it is only some imams who say that music is bad. what does the quran say about music? the Bible tells us that music is for praising God.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Is entire ear swelling after a cartilage piercing normal?

yesterday I got my nose and cartilage pieced at a professional tattoo and piercing parlor (they did not use a gun...) and my nose is fine (a little red but he told me to expect that) but my right ear is really swollen. It's not just right around the piercing but the entire cartilage part of my ear is swollen pretty bad, and my earlobe seems maybe a tiny bit swollen. Is this okay? Also I work on a farm and don't want to get dirt in the piercings, any covering/bandaging suggestions?

Can you help me on my Spanish Crossword?


Does this french paragraph make sense?

Yeah. That's a nice touch, left-handedly complimenting your teachers in your work assignment. I wish I'd've thought of that in school.

So it looks like Pacheco has officially signed with Tigres de la UANL?

He doesn't have what it takes to make it in Europe.........he is immature and has his head in the clouds........ I also read another article that he doesn't want to go to Tigres but to America instead so this negotiation may not go down as planned.

Can i keep my in laws away?

My husband and I happily married. But we are having a lot of problems with his parents. Mainly his mother. I am in the hospital for surgery and I chose for my grandma and mom to take care of our chikdren until I was able to leave. My husbands mother got so mad because I would not let her have our children. She said because I dont let her see them which by the way is a lie she will be taking us to court. We have very busy schedles so we go over to their house once a week sometimes more. I do not allow them to spend the night or for them to be alone with their grandparents. I don't have money for a lawyer but i would like stop their visitations. They would not be safe with their grandparents. My husband's father (grandpa) is a big time alcoholic and every week end all he does is get drunk really bad and he also smokes weed. i do not want that around my children. His mother (grandma) always tres to controll my husband and I when it comes to the kids and just about anything and Im tired of it. I NEED HELP!!!!


Ask Allah to guide her, and perhaps you should tell her that as a Muslim, you cannot have a boyfriend, so rest assure.

Puedo pedir unperdon despues dedos deportasiones?

ola estoy casado con una americana soy deportado dos veses tenemos tres hijos y mi esposa esta embarazada una de mi sijas es operada y mi esposa tiene que tener su bebe por sesaria por quarta ves en el momento estamos en honduras aciendo los tramites quiero saver si tengo pruebas de como pedir un perdon o nesisito mas pruebas

I Have a Bump in my Ear !?!?

I got my ears pierced at a 14 gauge about a month ago and I changed the plugs in my ear. I could not see the hole so I asked my mom help to put it in. BUT, before she put it in she held my earlobe with a lot of pressure. My ear has been hurting since, Today I took out the plug to clean my ear with salt water and noticed a bump. Is it an infection or just a temporary bump?

Can anyone explain the inheritance laws of Allah?

sad for a culture that invented higher math don't you think. Another example of what bronze aged mythology does to human beings.

Does foundation come under the heading of adornment in islam?

I just use foundation pretty much the same colour for the purpose of concealing my spots and no other makeup. Would Allah accept this?? becoz when i would wear eye liner, eye shadow mascara etc aswell i realised i got non mahram attention, but wearing foundation, nobody can rly tell your wearing it unless you cake a load on you! am i wrong??

Is this an ear infection (from piercing)?

Sounds like an infection. You need to bathe the ear in warm salty water and put some antiseptic cream on it which you can get from a pharmacist. If the red area spreads or there is discharge you may need antibiotic cream or oral meds from your doctor.

What should I do to remove pus in a swollen earlobe piercing?

My earlobe piercing is swollen and when I pinch it, it hurts. When I got my ear pierced, they used the stainless steel loop earring..which now makes it harder to remove. I was thinking of removing the earring since it is so swollen and i did not know what else to do..except now I can't even remove it because my ear is swollen and wont fit through the small space. What should I do? I soaked my ear in sea salt and water about an hr ago..Will I see improvements tomorrow? This is a repiercing and also its swollen which I am assuming is filled with pus!..ughhh I want to remove the pus but I do not know how

What are these itchy bumps, and why are they appearing all over me?

This started last week. I woke up one morning to find a red line of bumps down the middle of my forehead, and I thought that maybe I had scratched it on something, but then later, the bumps started to itch. I just want to know what they could possibly be! I'm not allergic to anything, and it's not poison ivy. It seems that every day I wake up with more bumps! I now have a bunch of then on my head (the line on my forehead, one on each cheek, one on my jawbone, one behind my earlobe, and one on my ear), a group on my shin, and i just woke up from a short nap to find a group of ELEVEN on my foot!! What is happening to me?

RAMADAN: How many Nabi (prophets) and how many Rasools (Messengers) were sent by Allah.?

Over 100,000 messengers, and around 600 prophets but only around 25 I think are mentioned in the Quran

Ramadan why do ignorant people tell such horrible lies about Mohamed (PBUH)?

They did not reach puberty any younger in those days, but it was probably normal to get married at 13 and 14 - as it used to be in cultures all over the world, including Europe and the United States before artificial raising of the marriage in an ridiculous battle against nature - so they actually waited until Aisha was a few years past minimum marriage age.

Is it normal for pierced earlobes to hurt 2 to 3 days after getting them?

They will be tender for a few days. It's just like getting a tattoo, doing anything how do you your body will make it react until it adjusts to the change. When getting your cartilage pierced it's soar for a month. So don't worry about it, unless it starts looking infected. Just be sure to keep rotating it and keep it clean.

How to bring back your faith? (Muslims only please)?

Religion is indoctrinated at a young age so it is often normal to doubt or question it throughout life, and especially at your age. The lack of "faith" is actually a good thing. There is no reason to really believe in such a thing anyways.

How to make hair less frizzy without Hairspray?

my hair is naturally wavy-curly . (kinda of like taylor swifts.) The good thing about it is that my curls are loose. the bad thing-its very frizzy. i usually style my hair when damp. i put Tresemme climate control mousse, and Tresemme Tres gel. i was using the finishing hairspray.but it got my hair sticky and white! ugh. how can my hair be un-frizzy and dry without it?

How to make frosting from scratch? Mothers Day..?

Tres leches doesnt really need frosting it's sweet enough. But if you must just beat half a stick of softened butter with two cups of powdered sugar and enough milk to give it the right constitency. You can pour it into a plastic bag and snip of the end to make a piping bag. You can find videos of it online. Or you can just spread it onto the cake using a butter knife.

Estoy casado y salgo un otro....?

Soy una mujer casa desde hace varios ano conoci a un policia en esta epoca yo tenia solo 18 anos el tenia 28. salimos un par de vecez me propuso matrimonio, pero pense que solo se queria acostar conmigo y por, eso motivo me estaba proponiendo casamiento. solo me lo pidio una vez y nunca mas me lo propuso entonces yo pense q en realizad no se queria casar conmigo. paso el tiempo y me case con alguien mas. Peroel siempre estuvo en mi pensamiento ahora hace 10 anos lo volvia ha ver como cosa del destono. estaba trabajando por mi casa y estaba bloquiendo la calle con su patrulla cuando lo olvi ha ver. le marque y pregunte si esta en esa calle trabajando, mas tarde paro enfrente d me casa para saludarme. El nunca se a casdo x q no puede tener hijo y por eso motivo nunca me olvio a poder q me casara con el.... yo ahora tengo tres varones... despues d tantos anos todavia tengo sentimientos por el. Que hago?

Why is my earlobe itching...?

I have earrings since I was a baby, so it may not be my earrings. My left earlobe constantly itches! It's annoying.

How are Allah and Jehovah alike?

Allah and Jehovah are the same, they like war, they condemn people to hell and stuff like that just Allah is a name for God in Hebrew and Jehovah is a bad translation of the name of GOD, since the original christian bibles didn't have the name of Jehovah until the Reform


My ear was pierced too close to the edge of my earlobe now there's like a cut and the earring won't stay in it just falls was my fourth ear lobe piercing so its higher up on my ear tissue..what to do?!

Questions on ear piercing?

If you can sit still long enough for the tagging gun to do it's work, it'll only sting for less than a second. Like if you get stung by a bee, but not nearly as bad. You're supposed to keep your first earrings in for six weeks (or was it six months...?), but as long as you don't take them out, swimming should be fine. The chlorine in the water will kill any bacteria that could give you an infection, and if you're getting them pierced from a store, then they should provide you with a bottle of ear hole cleaner. Simply dab some of the liquid on a Q-Tip and rub it around the stem of the earring and your ear, and you'll be fine.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Slept on the side of new piercing?

So i slept, but unconsciously slept on the side of my new earlobe piercing. the next morning, sure enough, there is a patch of dried blood on the hole(front end). i used cotton balls soaked in lukewarm water and wiped them away. now i tried pushing the earstik from the back end but it could not go thru! could it have healed? i didnt dare to push it harder since the pain(something like a bruise‘s)is terrible. what do i do now please??? thanks for your time :)

Is the "Allah" of the Qur’an?

"(33) Such was Jesus, son of Mary: (this is) a statement of the truth concerning which they doubt. (34) It befitteth not (the Majesty of) Allah that He should take unto Himself a son. Glory be to Him! When He decreeth a thing, He saith unto it only: Be! and it is. (35) And lo! Allah is my Lord and your Lord. So serve Him. That is the right path. (36) "

Does it hurt to get your earlobes pierced?

I'm thinking about getting my earlobes pierced (first time). What does it feel like? Does it hurt? How much does it hurt?

Helpp! How To I Stay Awake?

I am feeling tr�s tired but I have to stay awake because I have lots of homeowork to do but I am feeling really sleepy. How to I stay Awake by not falling asleep...?!!?

Did you know Jesus warned us that the abomination of desolation would be Muslim?

That is a very interesting formula. Arguments like this and the rebuttal by our Muslim friend about the Synagogue of Satan to me are signs of the end of the age and point to the anti-Christ. The anti-Christ denies Jesus is Lord. This is Jesus' epoch and He is standing at the door knocking. If you hear Him won't you strive for the mark?

Various SINGNs pointing towards God---Isn't it sin to insult one or others and create hatred over them?

It's great that you're tolerant towards people of other religions. See, there's the problem- there aren't enough people willing to respect the beliefs and thoughts of their peers. This is one of the many reasons as to why our social structure is crumbling. Creating hatred over anything is stupidity and ignorance.

Have I answered these French questions correctly?

Not bad, but you could simplify the first one: La sc�ne se passe dans une biblioth�que. You went on to elaborate as to what they were discussing there, which isn't a bad thing, though not necessary based on the wording of the question.

Fill in the blanks. (See Below.)?

Me llamo Roberto Sanchez Torres. Mi familia _______ a ir a Espana de vacaciones. Ahora nosotros ________ en la escuela porque ___________ primavera. Yo ________ quince anos, Yo _______ tres hermanos. Mi familia _________ un perro, Chito. El ______________ grande y feo. El _________ perezoso tambien. Nosotros __________ muchos primos. Ellos no ________ a Espana con nosotros porque ellos __________ ocupados.

Why do pagans believe in the gods they do, when they have never seen these gods nor have books by them?

Everything in your entire question is based around assumptions and stereotyping. Paganism is very loose son, you should do more research so you don't look like an idiot. Also troll.

Can i take my earrings out for school??????

well i got my earlobes pierced (my seconds and thirds) 7 weeks ago and apparently im not allowed to have the earrings in at school. so can i take the earrings out before i go to school and put them back in when i get home or will they close up in 6 hours??????????????

Help on stretching earlobe?

i'm sorry but don't do it. fashion trends may fade but earlobes down to your shoulders will surely last.

Pimple is in ear lobe?

i have got a pimple (i think) in my earlobe on my right ear, i have tried popping it countless times over the past 6 months and it hasnt worked, i have left it for about 2 months now and it has not emerged, is it a pimple? should i be worried? what do i do?

New piercing:how to take care?

i just had my left earlobe pierced yesterday. what do i do now? should i twist them everyday? how should i clean them? not too conplicated products/terms pls,im only 15 :)

German and French Speakers - Please Help?

Aujourd'hui, trouver du travail � domicile (or "du t�l�-travail") est facile puisque �a peut �tre trouv� via Internet. Cependant, choisir un emploi l�gitime et �viter les escroqueries ou emplois fictifs peut repr�senter un grand d�fi pour plusieurs personnes � la recherche d'un travail. Vous pouvez d�finitivement trouver un v�ritable emploi depuis des opportunit�s d'emploi � domicile en ligne si vous savez comment �viter les arnaques. Pour ce faire, vous devez poss�der de bonnes comp�tences en recherche pour trouver un vrai travail � domicile. Maintenant, voici quelques conseils � suivre afin d'�viter les escroqueries et de trouver un vrai emploi en ligne.

(One) Ear Lobe Piercing on a 4 yr old Boy?

My husband decided to pierce our 4 yr old son's left earlobe. My mother went balistic for a better word mind you she was born in 1949. But anyway back to the piercing, in your opinion do you think it's unconventional to pierce a 4 yr old's earlobe. Even my older sister who is like 29 said I should've waited or we shuld've waited until he was older. Do you think that an ear piercing on a BOY this young is bad or is it just up with the times?

What kind of bug bit my daughter?

My wife just noticed that my 4 year old has an extremely large, (2.5" diameter), raised red splotch on the back of her neck, just behind her earlobe. It does no itch and there is no pain. After close examination we discovered 3 more marks at her hairline of the back of her head. These are half the size of the first one. There is a small bite mark off center. No pus or open sores. Please help, we are wondering if she should be taken to the hospital or treat it at home?

Can I wear 16 gauge earrings in my unstretched piercings?

I want to buy some cute spiral earrings I found that are 16 gauge. My earlobe piercings are not stretched. I'm guessing 18 gauge? I got them pierced at a legit shop and not with a piercing gun. Anyway, will I need to stretch the holes to fit 16 gauge earrings? I don't really want to go through any pain. Also will I have any problems wearing my normal earrings again if I do wear the 16 gauge earrings?

How unsual...days ...?

prove that Islam is beautiful, as we do good things, and do not harm people, helping people, though few alms continue.insya Allah non-Muslims thinking will be change.

Getting earlobe re-pierced?

Okay here's the story, I had my left earlobe pierced a while back, and like last year. So I had it pierced twice, and I had my right ear pierced only once. Both holes has closed up but now I want to get them pierced again but the only thing that is stopping me is these small little bumps/ball thingies in my lobe. I just don't want them to like keyloid and get all ugly basically. I just want to know do you think that it would be safe to get them repierced ?

What's this bump on my earlobe?

I have this like bump on my earlobe where my second hole is. I can still put my earring in it and everything but it like bulges out from behind my ear. I've had this bump for like 3 years. I keep telling my parents I need to get it checked out but they keep saying it'll go away which it hasn't! I asked a piercer and he said it was scar tissue.. but that's it.. I want it gone. HELP?

Can you still use headphones if you have a tragus piercing ?

So i recently notice that since i have gotten my tragus pierced i cant seem to wear earpphones .. and it sucks .. It hasnt completely healed yet but when it does is it possible to still wear them ?? like the ones you stick in not just rest on your earlobe :p do you know of any good brands of earphones that work with that type of peicing ??

Anyone who works/worked for claire's?

I want a double cartilage piercing. Can I just buy the earrings used for the earlobes or do I have to buy two single ones? (for 3mm stainless steel it's 16.50 and two single earrings would be $44) so can I just buy the $16.50 package?

If you can recognize some?

cuchara, tenedor, vivo, buena mano, antes, de modo, comoda, comedor, hermana, hermano, hijo, hija, mujer, de mano, komosta is derived from the sentence como esta usted, i can't think of more.

Ear piercing- when should the piercing stop hurting?

I had my ears done just over 6 weeks ago. One reacted, closed up and will have to re-heal. The other went fine. The only thing is, I've just changed the stud over (it was getting a bit manky and I wanted to take it out to squirt antiseptic into the hole) and it's a bit hot and it hurts if I pull on the earring or roll my earlobe in my fingers or anything like that. Is this normal? If not, what should I do?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ear piercing bump/scar?

in february, i got my earlobes pierced (by needle), and i got barbells. One side got rly infected, and the other side was only a little bit, but i kept cleaning it and it wouldn't go away for a veryy long time. I decided to take them out, and by then the side that was rly infected was like a little irritated red bump. Now, it's just my regular skin color, and its smaller. it feels like a pimple or something when i touch it, but it doesn't hurt. The other ear is fine. Is this just a scar? Do you think it's safe to get my ears pierced again? or should i wait until it's completely gone.

I think my cartilage piercing is infected?

Nah it's not infected it's just sometimes when you get a cartilage piercing, the broken cartilage creates a bump. This happens a lot when you get cartilage piercings done with a gun rather than a needle. It's nothing to worry about, i've got one and a few of my friends do as well . Hope this helps.

How much would this tattoo hurt?

So in the future when I'm old enough I'd like to get a tattoo on my earlobe. Like I want a pattern and then I want it to fade away as it gets closer to the harder part of the ear. I don't want my whole ear done, like the inside or whatever. Just the lobe and a tiny bit of faded art on the harder part. How much would this hurt, because it doesn't seem like it'd hurt too much. Thanks! :)

Why was my question deleted, im effing serious?

im muslim so why did Allah give me this decease, and its been going on for a yeat he wont cure it like wthhh

Why are non-Muslims so ignorant about Islam?

My question is, why do people judge Muslims if they don't even know what Islam is about? For example, lots of them believe that Allah is a different entity than God, despite that Allah is the Arabic word for God? And why do they believe that we are terrorists when only some Muslims & Arabs are known for being terrorists, I mean people claim that they're against racism, but that is just racism at its finest...

What does Allah say in Quran 2:221?

Don't make it a propaganda. Women are just as respected as men. You saw what the one before me wrote. That's the case only in marriage

Estoy embarazada?????????

Tuve relaciones sexuales con mi novio tres Dias antes de mi ovulacion y cuando el eyaculo dentro de mi servira eso de pararse enseguida aser pipi para no salir embarazada ?Cual es mi posibilidAd o porciento de salir en estado??

Do Eyelashes grow? and What would you do to make them grow longer?

First of all, Happy Cinco De Mayo! dos, I have reeeally short eye lashes. I.HATE.IT. and tres, I need to know how long it takes for them to grow, and how you can make them grow WITHOUT make up! Gracias! (Btw i'm not Mexican, I just Looove to speak spanish)

RAMADAN: How can you ask forgiveness from Rasoolallah (saww) without saying "YA RASOOLALLAH"?

this verse was revealed upon the Prophet , now when you read it ,you must ask forgiveness only to ALLAH for HE is Most Merciful and Off forgiving

How do I make my hair grow longer and fast? Please Help me I will anwer your questions in return! Thankyou?

well the simple was is to get clip in hair extensions. while your wearing thoes your hair will counitnue to grow until you dont need it anymore. There is a sale online at a href="" rel="nofollow" on 18" clip in hair extensions.

Uno, dos, uno dos tres quatro, see that black boy over there running scared, his old man in the bottle?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Help with some french?

L'arc de Triomphe a une structure historique tr�s imporante, parce qu'il a un point de ralliement pour les soldats fran�ais apr�s avoir r�ussi � faire une guerre.

How to turn a guy on?

You take charge by holding back his arms while making out or push him against s wall and start making out with him.

I have a lump in my ear lobe?

I have this lump that is like in my ear lobe and it somewhat hurts, its almost like a pimple inside my earlobe. Anyone know what it could be. Serious answers only please. Thank you.

Is this safe to do for my ear piercing?

I got my ears pierced about 4 weeks ago, the earrings aren't long enough and are suffocating my earlobes, and the earrings are sort of growing into my ears. I only have 2 weeks to go til I could take them out anyway- we're going to claires today to see if they'll take them out and replace them with ones that have a longer back. but i'm not sure if its against their policy, theyll probably tell me to let them grow back and try again? do you think it'd be safe to buy earrings and replace them myself at home?

Can anyone help me with my GCSE French, please?!?

These are spot-on. There are a couple of mistakes with spelling but these won't be apparent in speech, I'd change de to a on question 12, but that's just splitting hairs. Bonne chance, demain!

Why is there a lump inside my earlobe?

I got my ears peirced for the first time 11 weeks ago. I took out the original studs after 6 weeks. I have been able to wear straight post earrings no problem, and about a month ago I tried putting in earrings that are curved. It didn't work so well, as my ear started bleeding. I stop trying, cleaned my ear and put my other one back in. I have left it in for about a month now. I'm not sure if I should be taking it out and cleaning my ear still... Anyways, I took it out today to put in new earrings and I cleaned my ear. When I went to put my new earring in I felt a lump in my earlobe just below the piercing hole. I of course freaked out and started shaking and getting dizzy. The new earring went in just fine, but its a little shorter then my usual earrings and because of the lump it hardly stuck out the back of my ear. So, I took it out put my other one back in. I'm just wondering why there is a lump in my earlobe. It feels like its almost gone now that my other earring is back in, but it still is there a little. I'm trying not to mess with it, but I don't know what to do. Is it from not taking my earrings out and cleaning my ear? Is it puss build up in my earlobe or something else? Is it going to go away and if It does and I pull my earring out again is it going to come back? I waited 24 years to get my ears pierced and now it seems like more trouble then its worth. I'm afraid to try to pull my earring out again, as I almost fainted in my bathroom. Should I just leave my earring in for a few days? Is my other ear going to do it too?

Ordering words in French?

tres sale is correct. sale tres is incorrect. Why? An adverb preceeds the adjective that it modifies, same as in English.

Poll: What's your favorite type of cake?

Basically any kind of chocolate cake, but my twin sister makes a triple chocolate cake that is die for lol, mmmm so yummy, :)

How much do cartilage piercings hurt?

for me...they didnt. Ive had three done in the past and none of them hurt that much...but the healin is the bithc. You have to take care of it r it will get infected.

Small Bumps above my earlobe piercing HELP!?

On each of my earlobes I have a small bump above my piercing. The bumps are painless and don't ooze or anything, they are just there. I don't keloid when I scar. I did get them done by a gun at Claire's and used rubbing alcohol after the Claire's solution ran out. The bumps started showing about 5 months after I got them pierced. I really need to know what wrong with them. any advice would help

Will my ear piercing close up?

NEVER EVER take out your piercing if it is infected. I would keep it in and clean it with it in. I would also use neosporin and don't use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide as this drys it up and cause more infection. Just don't take it out.

Is an ear piercing considered a facial piercing?

earrings are not considered facial piercing. they should be fine for your job but if you're concerned, you might want to ask before you get them

Alguien sabe el significado de este sue�o?

Vengo so�ando hace como una semana que tengo una especie de relacion a distancia. Me doy cuenta de que estoy de novia con esa persona por el trato que tenemos y que es a distancia porque lo veo siempre en la ciudad donde vivia hace unos a�os. En el sue�o estoy consciente de que es una relacion a distancia. El tema es el siguiente: No conozco al chico con el que sue�o. Ni siquiera escucho su nombre en el sue�o y me despierto con la sensacion de que ya lo vi antes pero no se donde ni cuando. Ya me habia pasado una vez que so�e tres dias con el mismo chico y al dia siguiente del ultimo sue�o lo conoci gracias a unos amigos. Juro que jamas lo habia visto antes de los sue�os y a este ultimo chico con el que estoy so�ando ahora tampoco. Alguien me prodria decir que podria significar este sue�o y que este chico aparezca todas las noches? Siempre son situaciones diferentes pero es el mismo chico. Ayudaa!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How can I work in a Resturant that serves haram food and alchol during ramadan without hjab?

Im a convert to islam and before I converted I worked in the resturant. I get good money because of tips and in any other job I know i can not make this. Ramadan is coming up and I have told my work i cant do it during ramadan and am still waiting for their reply to this. But I am also thinking in I am going to spend one month in full submittance to Allah then how can I go back to this job after that I know that the job is not good for me but I just need some more advice on this from other peoples opinions. I know islam is not part time.

What is Shirk and what is Kufr? I need some serious help?

SalamShirk is believing another power which can be asked for help and be worshipped besides Allah so we will have great sins and unforgivable. Kuffr is disbelieving the existence of Allah

Poll;) Do you have righteous earlobes?

Seriously, I looked in the mirror this morning and couldn't believe how righteous my earlobes are. I am one lucky sumbeeotch.

Third ear piercing help and care?

i got my earlobe pierced about a week ago for the third time, next to me second one. It's not a cartilage, but on the lobe. It isn't red, or warm, or infected or anything but it does slightly hurt when i touch it. I clean it every day, twice or three times, with alcohol. Is it normal for it to hurt a bit when i touch it? It's also a bit sore after i shower.

How could i convince my mom to let me get another ear piercing? im 14 by the way?

my mom isnt that strict of a parent, but she wont let me get any piercings anywhere. but i already have each of my earlobes pierced on each ear. i just want another. any advice on how i can convince my mom??

How long should it take for ear lobe piercings I got two days ago to close up if I took the earrings out?

I got a second ear piercing in each earlobe two days ago. How long should it take for the holes to close up if I took the earrings out? I don't really like the placement (had them done at Walmart) and one of them is in a little crooked. I'd like to have them redone... Is this a bad idea?

Does foundation come under the heading of adornment in islam?

I just use foundation pretty much the same colour for the purpose of concealing my spots and no other makeup. Would Allah accept this?? becoz when i would wear eye liner, eye shadow mascara etc aswell i realised i got non mahram attention, but wearing foundation, nobody can rly tell your wearing it unless you cake a load on you! am i wrong??

Latin Translations NO GOOGLE TRANSLATE. 10 POINTS?

These aren't hard, and if you've made a bet with your friend, presumably you think you can do them yourself. Why not earn the $25 the honest way? At the very least, first post what you CAN do, and THEN let people help you correct or improve it.

Can you use jello with the tres leche cake?

i want to make a tres leche cake for a birthday and i wanted to know if jello was a good side.. and if it is what flavor?

Has anybody seen these signs of Islam?

Like maybe these pictures are old to the muslims, etc. But has anybody seen these. This is an actual tree in Germany I believe, they had to cover it with metal gates or something like that so you know the public won't be able to see or whatnot. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Oh and it says in english 'There is no God but Allah (God)' meaning like one God only, etc. Here is another one if you want to look at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a It's a guy in prayer called 'Ruku' in Arabic meaning bowing in English, yeah. And the tree is facing the holy Kaaba which is Muslims face towards to when praying.

How to convince my mom to let me get my cartilage pierced?

You can't really form a proper argument unless you talk to her and figure out why she doesn't want you to get it in the first place.

Small bump on ear at piercing. What is it?

When you get your ears pierced it creates a scar inside of the ear which feels like a small lump it will always be there.

Obeying parents vs Sunnah?

Wa alaikum salam ..Your mother's opinion is right because today non muslim people and especially the US government hate muslims who maintain beard and his name terrists. We should avoid the danger of cruel world Besides that growing beard is only sunnah or voluntary. It is not mandatory so you will not have sins without beard I myself have no beard too.

Muslims : Why do you ridicule someone who does not shave his pubic hair ... ?

I'll preface by saying I am not Muslim, but to each his own. I think whatever you want to do down there is your personal decision. Saying that, if he is mocking you for your hygiene, he probably just has a little penis, and needs to divert attention away from said member. I mean, there are much worse thing happening all over this world that are so much worse than pubic hair!

Too Big of a hair change?

That all depends on you! If your personality and style fit it, it doesn't matter how drastic the change is, as long as its YOU. =]

Help with my ears..!?

I got my ears pierced back in february. I let them heal for the period of time they were supposed to... i have dimple on my ear lobe so my left earlobe is a big thicker than my right. Ive been changing from hoops to studs quite often recently and today the dimple ear started hurting really bad.. so i changed earrings and my mom said i needed lighter ones in, so i took those out and now cannot oget the earring back in my ear because of the pain, its almost like i cannot find the hole in the back of my ear because it doesnt hurt until i put it halfway through and it pokes the back of my ear... i really dnt want to let my ears close up because ive had them pierced twice already... any suggestions on what to do? or whats wrong and how to go about it?

Is hair dye bad for newly pierced ears?

Hair dye is bad for you anyway. You should not use it. Hair dye contains high amounts of chemicals that is not healthy. You can try blue extensions. Also in some hair salons they sell dye remover. Hope this helps!

Is it normal for an earlobe to hurt a week after pierced?

I got my second earlobe piercing done 6 days ago. I can't remember how long my first piercings hurt for, because it was a few years ago. I've been cleaning them 2/3 times a day as normal and my right ear doesn't bother me at all, but my left earlobe hurts when I touch it and I have to be careful not to hurt it.

Get an earlobe piercing and cartilage piercing same day?

is it ok to pierce your ears and your cartilage at the same time because i want to have both done this summer.

What could be the cause of throat and ear pain?

My first thought is ear infection. After a rough cold of 2 weeks cleared up, 3 days later I went to the Urgent Care because my ear/throat pain was so bad and it was an ear infection. They can be common with colds, you should go to the doctor and antibiotics should do the trick. If it isn't very painful it could just be a dry, agitated throat. I doubt its a food poisoning, but maybe its an allergy. Spicy food can definitely cause normal irritation in your throat though- so just keep track of if it happens every time you eat spicy food (or shrimp). Either way, you should be just fine. Good luck

How to bring back your faith? (Muslims only please)?

Religion is indoctrinated at a young age so it is often normal to doubt or question it throughout life, and especially at your age. The lack of "faith" is actually a good thing. There is no reason to really believe in such a thing anyways.

Cartilage in my earlobe?

Well yes, but since it's in the cartilage, I recommend going to a piercing shop instead of using a regular piercing gun like they use at Claire's, because that can cause trauma to your cartilage and makes you more at risk for an infection.

Why is there a bump inside of my earlobe?

i pierced my ear about 6 weeks ago and when i take out the earring there is a hard bump in my ear. my ear isnt infected either. i just want to know why there is a hard bump inside of my earlobe.

Piercing/ medical question?

Okay so in 3rd or 4th grade I got my ears pierced (I am now a senior in hs) and these fluid filled "balls" (like smallish acorn sized) formed on the back of my earlobes near the piercing site. Is it possible that this was a keloid? I then had surgery to release the fluid that was inside, and they have not returned. Also, if I want to get my nose pierced is it possible that something similar could happen again? Thanks for your time!