Friday, July 22, 2011

Are we really decendants from Apes and monkeys?

if we really evolve from Apes and monkeys, then why do apes and monkeys still exist? the other thing is, we are taught in islam that there is this kinda knowledge that won't affect the way or the fact that we exists, like that of the very begining of the universe, if Allah really wanted us to know, we would've been there and known exactly about every detail that happened, like how the clusters and the clouds of stars and galaxies, how they formed, another example is for that farmer that uses electricity, if u ask him, he doesnt know what is really going on, he doesnt know about the electric current going through a wire can create a magnetic field, he doesnt even know who discovered that Current usually flows through wires? but does that affects the way of how it is working? does that mean that he cant be benifited from it? it does exists, and no one can deny its existance cuz we see its signs when u turn on/ off the push button light switch, so is the likeness of your existance, you do exists, and you're enjoying the bounties and the gifts of God, every breathe you take, the body functioning, the facilities you have been given, like the ability to taste, see, hear, sense, walk, talk, etc. the intellects you have been given, which you're so-called ancestors of apes and monkeys lacks, you're given a mind to see the signs of the creator, and that mind, that intellect you're given is what seperates you from animal kingdom, and thus, you have this responsablility towards the creator and His creation, you have this responsablitiy to understand the message of truth, and the very reason of why we're here, and unlike animals you are not forced to worship God as they have chosen before their very creation, when Allah asked the heavens and earths and the creatures, to choose weather to be forced to worship Him or to be given a free-will temporary for their lifetime, and they said "we choose to be forced to worship You, O Allah, as we cannot be able to disobey you, we can't bear its conscequences", but mankind have choosen to have this free-will given By their Lord, to choose, and they said "we'll take it", so.. you may deny it if you want to, but this won't help stopping or avoiding the truth when it comes, think about it, Peace :]

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