Monday, July 18, 2011

RAMADAN: What is the difference between a Muslim and a Momin?

Salam The difference between a muslim and a mukmin .A muslim has eeman or faith through believes in Allah and messengers,holy books,angels and akheerat life and also qadr He/she says shahadah and knows the oneness of Allah.He/she tries hard to practise Islam in his/her daily life A mukmin ,has eeman or faith ,hears and adheres to the Qur'an and hadith,tries to practise Isalam daily,.He/she bring others to do good deeds and avoid bad deedsHe/she always increase his/her eeman.He/she obeys to his/her promise and everything trusted to him/her.He/she maintains his/her prayers and he/she performs jihad with his/her wealth and soul,pays zakat and protects his/her honour.

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