Saturday, July 23, 2011

[ℜamadan] Why is it so difficult to obtain a pure heart?

Because it is impossible. In fact, trying to climb the ladder to heaven is one manifestation of what is wrong with us. That is why God sent His Son, Jesus, to come into the world and die for our sins, making peace with God, and rise from the grave to be the first of a new creation.

How to hajj a islamic student in indonesia?

first of all i would like to say assalamu'alaykum to every one my name is zainal from philippines i'm a islamic student in indonesia alhamdulillah i already finish my course of memorizing qur_an so now i just want to continue my islamic law study so aside from that i have intention to visit the house of Allah in the mosque of nabi sws so please guide me how to go there maybe is there free for like my sitwation please i hope that u can answer my question

Spanish Grammar Questions?

"Saber" is when you know something, like a fact. "Conocer" is when you know someone, like a person.

Ear stretching and healing funny why?

Okay, I just stretched from 0 and skipped 00 and went to 7/16th's Now my ear is healing funny, Like the bottom of my earlobe is all red and hard and hot and it is bending out out pointing up at an angle. Wil it all ways be like this and will it heal back too normal and how do I make it heal back to normal keeping the current jewelery (Taper) In.?

Getting my earlobes re-pierced?

Okay here's the story, I had my left earlobe pierced a while back, and like last year. So I had it pierced twice, and I had my right ear pierced only once. Both holes has closed up but now I want to get them pierced again but the only thing that is stopping me is these small little bumps/ball thingies in my lobe. I just don't want them to like keyloid and get all ugly basically. I just want to know do you think that it would be safe to get them repierced ?

I don't understand............?

It is meant that in Islamic countries, non Muslims should pay an amount of money (Jizya) to insure that they won't be spies or attack the Muslims when at war. If the pay the Jizya, then they will be not welcomed. If they sneak in, they will be killed. That's fair.

What is the dumbest reason you have ever heard of why a person believes in god/allah/zeus?

i don't think there are any dumb reasons to believe in God. as His creation, we all know He exists, it's just that some deny it.